Have you tried early spring weed control? How does it work exactly? Should I be doing it? Look no further. It’s not as hard as you think.

Let’s be honest! Most people don’t want to garden because they don’t like weeds. It’s a very unappealing part of an otherwise wonderful experience.
What if there was a way to prevent weeds from growing in the spring? I mean this is the time you start seeing them sprouting everywhere. Well there is! It won’t reduce your weeds by 100%, but it will cut them out significantly when used within the proper window.
This post is all about early spring weed control and creating the weed-less flower bed of your dreams.
Why Spring?

Spring is the time of year weeds start to grow. It’s the time of year everything starts growing…really. A weed is simply a plant that you don’t want in your flower bed, garden, yard etc.
It is ideal to use a weed control product in early spring since it is designed to prevent new weeds from growing. For this post, Preen will be the weed preventer product of choice.
Getting ahead of the weeds is the key here. Once weeds start sprouting, it is a race against time.

If you are wondering how hard this process is or you are feely extremely exhausted just thinking about it, don’t fret! It’s not hard at all!
The first thing you want to do regardless of which product you choose is remove any existing dead leaves, weeds, and debris. If you have any limbs, dead plants, or plants you want to get rid of, do this now! If you haven’t pruned your plants, now is the time to start. You want to get your whole flowerbed together before mulching. Now in some cases, you may want to replace some plants, but it is not warm enough to plant them yet. I would simply mark this area with a stick or some type of identifier to remind yourself not to put weed preventer in this area. If you have an existing flowerbed and all the plants you currently want, this step requires a lot less time.
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Since Preen will be the product of choice, the next step is to add about 3 inches of fresh mulch to your flowerbed. This will give you a great base for the new growing season and will provide additional weed prevention. It will also help with retaining soil moisture and reduce erosion and compaction.
Now that your flowerbed is cleared of debris and your mulch has been applied, it is time to apply the Preen. Always read the product label for step-by-step application instructions. Sprinkle a layer of Preen on top of your mulch. Do not get Preen on your plant’s foliage and/or in areas you plan to plant new plants. After you have applied the product, water with a hose. Watering the product will activate the product’s weed control barrier and prevent weed seeds from germinating and sprouting.
Non-Toxic and Natural Weed Preventer

If you don’t want to use chemicals, Preen has a natural alternative. If you are looking for additional alternatives you can try making your own spray mix. You can mix 1 gallon of white vinegar with 1 cup of salt and 1 tablespoon of dish washing liquid to create a natural weed killer.
Another way to naturally kill weeds is using cardboard. In the winter when plants weeds are going dormant, put a layer of cardboard down on top of the weeds. Remove the cardboard in the spring when growing season starts, and the weeds should be mostly dead. Pull the weeds and discard them.
Other methods include:
- Pouring boiling water on weeds
- Creating a newspaper barrier under mulch
- Crowding (growing plants close together)
- No tilling or digging (to keep weed seeds from spreading)
- Pulling weeds by hand
Without some type of consistent weed control process, you always run the risk of weeds coming back. But without a process, you will definitely have weeds. With a little preparation, you can usually cut weed growth significantly by 70-90%. Reapply methods as directed.
Now that you have what you need to keep the weeds at bay for the season! Let me know how this works for you in the comments.
This post was all about early spring weed control that will help you create a weed-free bed and garden.