It’s almost the time of year when you start seeing fall floral arrangements! Fall is full of warm colors that include hues of red, orange, and brown. You may even notice your town or neighbors starting to decorate with pumpkins, hay, mums, or even Halloween items.
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Have you been thinking about decorating your yard, porch, entryway, or inside your home? No worries, you will have this figured out in no time!
This post is all about DIY fall floral arrangements you can start working on today.
You can make floral arrangements out of fresh or artificial flowers. There are tall fall floral arrangements as well as small ones that are absolutely beautiful. The possibilities are endless! Use this energy as inspiration to do whatever you feel like doing!
Display Base
There is no one true display base when creating an arrangement. A base can be made out of anything. Some ideas are:
- planters
- bins
- barrels
- baskets
- vases
- chargers
- boxes
It can be anything that you think would hold display your arrangement and look appealing. Sometimes, there is probably something in your garage, shed, or attic that you could probably repurpose for your base.
If you are going the fresh flower route, you will likely use flowers you already have. Or, you may have to make a trip to your local nursery or home improvement retailer.
Some of the best fresh flowers for a display are:
- asters
- pansies
- kale
- mums
- coleus
- sunflower
- viola
- echinacea
- russian sage
- sedum
- ornamental cabbage
- ornamental peppers
- lamb’s ear
This is not a complete list, but it gives you an idea of where to start when you are shopping for flowers. Fall flowers are usually for sale in August or possibly earlier depending on where you live.
Try to go shopping for flowers early to check out the new arrivals as well as the discounted items. You will be amazed at what is discounted! And don’t be afraid to ask for a discount. If you notice that a plant is looking like it needs some extra attention because the leaves are drooping or brown, ask for a discount! Now, there is a difference between buying a plant that needs some extra love and one that is dying. If the entire plant is brown, or it is literally a stick, leave it alone. Do your research before buying something that will not bounce back.
When you are buying a plant and you’re looking for some quick information about it, use Google Lens. This app pretty much works with any image. If you don’t have the Google app, download it. Now that you’ve downloaded the app, tap inside of the search bar where a camera icon appears. Once you tap the camera icon, it may ask you for permission to use your camera. Once you agree, you are set to take a picture of your plant and it will give you so much information. This works for EVERYTHING!
So, if artificial flowers are your go-to route, then your possibilities are endless! Now you can shop anywhere that sells flowers from your local dollar store to Michaels. You can pick up artificial flowers from just about anywhere.
Most fall floral arrangements have hues of red, orange, yellows, and purples, but you can be creative and include whatever you want. Just take a step back, look at the overall flow of your arrangement, and adjust your flowers as needed.
If you don’t have an idea in mind of what you want to create, or you need some inspiration, take a look at some of these breathtaking displays.