Are you searching for the best gardening tools that you need to start a garden? Spring is right around the corner, and you are starting to feel a burst of energy, but you don’t quite know if you have everything you need to start or revamp your garden.
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These are the tools you need to get you through your basic garden needs without any surprises…or quick trips to the home improvement store.
This post is all about the best gardening tools every beginner gardener should own.
1. Watering Can

You will definitely need this. Some plants will require more water than others at different times of the day, and a watering can provide you with a more controlled pour for your plant needs.
You can also use the watering can to water indoor plants. Some plants only need water added once a week or month if they are drought resistant, whereas your tomato plant may need watering daily. This tool is a must when owning a variety of plants.
2. Hoe

This tool will literally get into the dirt with you. A hoe is used to loosen dirt, chop weeds, create a trench or row, dig a small space for a seed or plant, and a myriad of other uses.
This tool will become your best friend. Sometimes your hand won’t be able to do the job, and you can always use a hoe to get the job done quickly.
3. Rake

Rakes can be used to collect leaves, grass, or any leftover debris. Rakes are also good for breaking up the soil and leveling the ground.
In the Spring, gardeners usually replenish the mulch in their flower beds or add new soil. The rake can be used to evenly spread out the product and give it an organized and neat appearance.
4. Spade

Spades often resemble shovels. A shovel focuses more on digging and scooping whereas a spade is geared towards mostly digging. You can use a spade to cut through thick sod or dig a deeper hole for plants.
This becomes a powerful tool when you need an extra 6-12 inches when planting a shrub. Or, if you are moving an established plant to a new area.
5. Gloves

Gardening is dirty work. Gloves are going to make your life a whole lot easier! From gripping pots to moving soil, gloves are a necessity.
You want to choose a glove that fits but is also breathable. Gloves are your best defense in keeping your fingernails clean and protecting from insect bites.
6. Garden Hose

When a watering can is insufficient (#1 above), a water hose is your likely next choice. Water hoses are good for bigger areas and plants that need a lot of water. By adding a nozzle to the hose, you are able to control the amount of water flow.
Hose use is not limited to the garden. You can clean your driveway, wash your vehicle, and water the lawn. This tool is a must-have and the ultimate watering time-saver.
7. Soil

All soil is not created equal. Nothing halts a project quicker than not having the right soil. Most plants tags will tell you what kind of soil your plant needs. As a rule of thumb, most containers require potting soil but always refer to your plant tags to be sure.
Some projects will require different types of soil including gardening soil, vegetable and herb soil, compost, raised bed soil, topsoil, and the list goes on. You will find that some plants also require amendments like peat moss, manure, and perlite. Bottom line, read your plant tags to find out what your plant needs for optimum growing conditions.