Finding hardy herbs to grow outdoors in Winter is not as hard as you may think! You might be thinking that all of the good stuff grows in Spring and Summer, but that is not necessarily true. You can grow just as many fresh herbs in Winter. The key is figuring out what to grow.
If you are looking for winter options, check out the options below.
This post is all about Winter hardy herbs to grow outdoors in your garden.
You may be wondering if herbs thrive in the Winter. You are partially correct! There are lots of plants that do not survive the Winter or go dormant in Winter. There are a few herbs that can overwinter without any issues depending on your growing zone.
Your growing zone is the one key factor in determining which herbs survive the winter and what will/will not grow in your particular growing zone. Your local nursery is a great resource when if you are trying to figure out what will thrive in your growing zone. They are local experts when it comes to plants.
However, if you have some herbs that you want to bring inside for Winter, do so! You can dig them out of the ground, place them in a container (you may have to add some potting soil), and set them by a sunny window in your house, sunroom, or room of your choice. This works well to extend the growing season.
{RELATED POST: How to Repot a Plant Without Killing It}
The 5 herbs listed below are sure to bring you an additional winter harvest. As always, do your research first!





Let me know how this works out for you this Winter!